How to Make Money on Reddit + BONUS [Subreddits to EARN the Most]

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Picture this: You never thought your endless scrolling on Reddit would lead to anything more than a mild case of procrastination. Let’s face it besides the cat videos that give you give the giggles and the endless conspiracy theories, most people don’t know that you can use Reddit to make money. With its user base of over 430 million users Reddit stands out as one of the most popular websites on the internet. Here’s how to make money on Reddit from home:

How to Make Money on Reddit

If you’re new to Reddit and don’t understand what it is and what subreddits are read THIS.

Subreddits for Making Money on Reddit

Here are some of the subreddits that can help you make money on Reddit:

  • r/beermoney: This subreddit is all about discovering easy ways to make money online like participating in surveys and completing small tasks.
  • r/slavelabour: This subreddit is a marketplace where people can buy and sell services, such as graphic design and freelance writing.
  • r/Flipping: If you’re interested in buying and selling items for profit, this subreddit is dedicated to the art of flipping. Users discuss strategies, share success stories, and provide advice on finding valuable items to resell.
  • r/forhire: This subreddit is a job board where people can post job openings or look for freelance work. You can browse job postings or create your own listing to offer your skills and expertise.
  • r/signupsforpay: This subreddit is all about earning money by signing up for various websites and services.
  • r/WorkOnline: This subreddit focuses on remote work opportunities, including freelance gigs, online jobs, and work-from-home opportunities. Users often share job openings and discuss different ways to make money online.
  • r/passive_income: This subreddit focuses on ways to generate passive income, where you earn money with minimal effort. Users discuss different methods such as investing, creating digital products, affiliate marketing, and more.
  • r/Entrepreneur: While not exclusively focused on making money on Reddit, this subreddit is a valuable resource for aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners.  

Tips for Identifying Money Making Opportunities on Reddit:

Besides following subreddits you can try these methods to identify money making opportunities on Reddit:

• Look out for posts that offer rewards or compensation for completing tasks or providing services.

• Explore subreddits that align with your skills or interests. You may come across freelance work or other relevant opportunities that match your expertise.

• Build a reputation on Reddit by participating in relevant subreddit and earning karma points. This will enhance your credibility and make you more legit.

• Be careful you don’t get scammed and try not to get downvoted. Always research the person or company offering an opportunity before talking to them.

• Consider starting your business or promoting your products or services on relevant subreddits. Reddit can be a platform, for building an audience and driving traffic to your website or social media channels.

Building Your Reputation on Reddit

To make money on Reddit it’s important to build a reputation on the platform. Your reputation is measured by your karma score, which is just the number of upvotes minus the number of downvotes received on your posts and comments. You can find more information on Reddit and how you can build your reputation on HERE.

How to Monetize your Reddit

Once you have a decent reputation on Reddit you can monetize it. Here are four ways:

1. Affiliate Marketing on Reddit

One effective way to earn money through Reddit is by using affiliate marketing. By promoting products or services to your followers you earn a commission for each sale made through your referral.

The first step is to discover affiliate programs within your niche. Start by identifying the subreddits that are related to your niche. Join these communities, interact with members and observe the discussions or recommendations regarding products or services.

Use this information to search for affiliate programs that align with the preferences and requirements of subreddit members.

Top tip: Make sure to choose high quality products that genuinely provide value to your followers. Trust me- your reputation is way too valuable to offer cheap or low-quality products or services.

After signing up for an affiliate program, start promoting products on Reddit. Create content that highlighting the benefits of the product or service while including an affiliate link. If someone clicks on your link and makes a purchase you’ll get a commission.

2. Selling Products on Reddit

If you have a product you own (or you’re representing a brand) you can use Reddit as a platform for reaching customers. There are various subreddits that are specifically dedicated to buying and selling such as r/Entrepreneur and r/ForSale (recently closed subreddit). Facebook marketplace is a good alternative to sell your stuff.

You also have the option to create your subreddit to advertise and promote your products. When it comes to selling products on Reddit ALWAYS make sure to read subreddits rules. Some subreddits have guidelines regarding self promotion so make sure you familiarize yourself with the rules before making any posts. It’s important to be transparent, about your affiliation with the product.

3. Selling Your Clutter on Reddit Marketplace

If you’re looking to sell your stuff, Reddit Marketplace serves as a store where users can buy and sell goods. By setting up a store you can list your products for sale along with descriptions and images. It allows you to interact with customers, answer their questions and fulfill orders directly through the site for added safety.

Alternatively, you can explore subreddits like r/hardwareswap for electronics sales or r/gameexchange for gaming equipment sales. These subreddits serve as alternatives if you prefer not to invest time in setting up a storefront but still want reach a wide customer base.

4. Providing Services on Reddit

If you possess a skill or offer services you can promote it on Reddit. There are subreddits dedicated specifically to freelancing and job opportunities like r/forhire and r/HireaWriter.

When it comes to promoting your services on Reddit it’s important to be transparent, about what you offer and how much you charge. Being responsive to inquiries and delivering high quality work will help you establish a reputation within the community.

Tips for Avoiding Scams on Reddit

When it comes to earning money on Reddit it’s important to watch out for scams. Here are a few tips to avoid them:

Common Scams to Avoid on Reddit

  1. Pyramid Schemes: Pay attention to posts or messages that promise payouts for recruiting others into a program. These often turn out to be pyramid schemes that are both illegal and unlikely to generate any income for you.
  2. Fake Job Offers: Some scammers may post job offers, on Reddit to obtain information or upfront payment. Always research the company before applying. And never disclose information or send money.
  3. Phishing Scams: Watch out for any links or messages that ask you to log in to your Reddit account or other accounts. These could be scams aimed at stealing your login info.
  4. Fake Investment Opportunities: Be weary of posts or messages that make promises of returns, on investments with minimal risk. Most of these offers are often designed to deceive and take advantage of individuals.
  5. Fake Giveaways: Be careful of giveaways posted on Reddit requesting information or upfront payment.  Always research the company or individual before participating in any giveaways. Never disclose sensitive information or send money.

Trust you’re instincts if something sounds off or too good to be true then it probably is.


Overall, there are a ton of ways on how to make money on Reddit. Whether you set on affiliate marketing, product sales or providing services it’s important to stick to subreddit rules and provide value to your followers. With the right approach you can find money making opportunities and build a successful side hustle or even a full time business.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Can I trust Reddit for making money?

While there are ways to make money on Reddit make sure you’re cautious and fully investigate any opportunities before getting involved.

 2. How do I know if an opportunity is legitimate?

Always make sure to do research on the company or person providing the opportunity before sharing any information or giving money upfront. And remember, trust your gut. Be cautious of any offers that appear too good to be true.

3. Can you make money from reddit karma?

The earnings of a Reddit user depend on their karma, which represents the number of upvotes they receive. In order to make a withdrawal users need to collect 10 gold within a 30 day timeframe; otherwise the remaining balance will carry over. Users, with karma ranging from 100 to 4,999 receive $0.90 for each gold earned. Once a user surpasses 5,000 karma the earning rate increases to $1, per gold.

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