Pinteresting Strategies 2.0 Review- Course by Carly Campbell (of Mommy on Purpose)
This post which may contain affiliate links at no extra cost to you, I may earn a small commission. This allows me to keep this blog going and provides you with free content. All opinions are my own.
Wouldn’t it be amazing to publish pins and actually KNOW what you are doing is right. As a blogger you’re always busy. There’s always something to do.
After investing so much time creating and publishing pins, what if EVERYTHING you’re doing is OFF-TRACK.
If you know me, you know I’m all about saving money whenever I can. I started my business on a tight budget and I’m not a fan of splurging unnecessarily. One of the biggest mistakes I made was actually not investing in courses sooner.
When I first started blogging, I quickly learnt that Pinterest is a MUST to promote your blog and posts.
The only problem, I knew Facebook and Instagram but didn’t really GET Pinterest.
Call me clueless but I viewed Pinterest as this craftsy thing and didn’t get why people still used it. And why it was so popular. I also had no clue what the difference between a Pinterest pin and board was. So ya safe to say Pinterest was totally new to me. I started to create an account and test drive it. I went on to publish pins but noticed after awhile my account seemed to be in limbo and nothing was happening. The pins weren’t really bringing me the traffic I had hoped.
I decided to take the leap and buy Carly’s Pinteresting Strategies 2.0. And it was a GAME-CHANGER.
Even if you’re doing everything right, that peace of mind is priceless. You’ll know that what you’re doing is right or at least in the right direction.
I get irked by marketers who sell you dreams only to give you bouquet of empty words.
The course owner is transparent. She tells you there is no magic Pinterest SECRET. But there are some MAJOR important things about Pinterest you probably don’t know of. Kudos for that.
Who is Carly Campbell?
Carly is a mom blogger and owner of Mommy on Purpose Blog. She created Pinteresting Strategies 2.0 in 2017 and ever since has sold 10,000 copies. Through word of mouth ONLY. Impressive Eh? She’s also Canadian
The course owner knows what she’s talking about. She’s been there and uses Pinterest to get 100K + page views per month to her blog (WITH only manual pinning).
She’s also sold 10,000 copies of the course. Which is WILD.
What I Learnt
Here’s an example of one thing that I learnt that was a gamechanger. I won’t be sharing more as don’t want to give spoilers. One thing I learnt which was how to duplicate I’m sure it wasn’t even the emphasis of the module. But just by watching her do it in the video I was like DAMN I can’t believe I have been wasting so much time scheduling pins one by one. This literally saved me hours.
Here’s my honest review. Not just ‘la vie en rose’: words of praise.
Let’s jump right in. As you can see I have personally completed the course.

Pros of Carly’s Pinteresting Strategies 2.0
What I liked about the course is that the course-maker is not just talking the talk. But walks the walk.
She actually created a case study website (recently) and is giving you her strategy so you can choose to adapt and apply it for yourself. She also shares and documents how many times and how often she pins in a spreadsheet.
Carly uses Podia to host her course and the interface is good. I liked how you can access the course modules on the left margin. It’s very intuitive just select which module you want, then hit ‘complete’ once you’re done. And move on to the next module. There’s also an indicator that tells you how many modules you have completed.
Let’s face it. Pinterest is CONSTANTLY changing. Pinterest changes like a menu at a fancy restaurant. One day idea pins are in and the next day they’re out. *did you also read this in a Heidi Klum Project runway voice*
Arggh I don’t know about you, but I don’t have the patience NOR capacity to figure this stuff out.
The course owner has gone in and adapted content in some cases completely snipped off old irrelevant content and updated with fresh advice.
Can you imagine the INSANE amount of work.
This course has been entirely updated for 2023 as of April 1 2023. She has even gone in and included: “2023 Update of chapter complete” at the top of the models that were updated. So in the future if you get the course and want to know whether it’s updated content you missed- you will know to view it. There’s also a current news +updates module tab. How neat is that.
There are many success stories from people who have taken the course. You can read them here.
She explains the definitions and terms in Pinterest. I’d say her course is for both beginners and more advanced Pinterest people. There’s something for everyone.
I like the Advanced learning section. I found the “title traffic hacks” immensely helpful and it really changed my perspective of how I create pins to this day.
Another pro is the free Pinterest Canva templates in the Bonus section. Because let’s face Pin designing is not for everyone. Some people just don’t have it in them.
Here are more pro’s:
• Lower priced and affordable compared to other Pinterest courses (I’ve seen others for $1,000- no joke)
• Active and helpful Facebook group- I recommend joining PLUS it’s free
• Downloads included in the course like Canva templates, pdfs, spreadsheets
• Aimed for both Pinterest beginners and more experienced Pinterest bloggers. It’s beginner friendly but definitely helps if you have a Pinterest account and have already test driven it.
• Easy to become an affiliate. There are no restrictions. You don’t need to be a big page with x amount of page views before applying to be an affiliate.
• Most modules have a combination of text and video lessons.
Cons of Carly’s Pinteresting Strategies 2.0
Right, you probably guessed it. There’s no such thing as a perfect course. There’s always something to adjust.
I don’t know about you but some people are more visual like me and I prefer videos. Although, there were pdfs for some videos I’m one of those people who wants her money’s worth and have borderline anxiety that I will miss key information or juice if I don’t watch the full video. Because hey, I paid for it.
Some of the videos can be lengthy and lack focus. The longest, I believe was the case study video which was 2hr and 55 minutes. Even after fast forwarding the video speed, it was hard to focus and I definitely felt it could be more succinct and “to the point”. I had to watch in parts because it was challenging to do in one sitting.
I would re-shoot the video but make it more concise and structured. This seems a bit demanding, but it’s helpful.
Also if you’re looking to be more proactive regarding Pinterest ads, you won’t find much guidance on that. The course doesn’t touch on Promoted Pins and Advertising. And things like setting up and running promoted pins campaigns.
At the cost of the course, an integral Pinterest course including running ads would have been nice. So that should the need arise, and you want to run Pinterest ads in the future you have the content for it.
But then again, the majority of people who take the course aren’t interested in running ads. Still, it would have been interesting to learn more about it and how it plays out.
Questions I asked before Purchasing the Course
Before taking the course, it was important for me to get answers before jumping the fence. Perhaps, you’re wondering with the same questions I had. I wasn’t skeptical for say, but still needed answers to make the final push. I emailed Carly 3 questions:

I was surprised that she answered me personally in a video. I was a nobody. Still am lol.
I’ve included her responses to me below.
1. If we buy the course- is it updated regularly and more importantly do we get access to the updates?
CARLY: “Yes and no. Yes, we do our best to update it regularly… Yes, if we update Pinterest 2.0 you would get access updates. However, updates are not guaranteed. Pinterest acts like a crazy fish. It’s flopping around all over the place. And they change things every other week and I can’t guarantee that I will either want to or be able to update it in a year. So updates are never guaranteed. If we do update to 2.0, you do get those updates. So there’s that information for you.”
Her answer seemed fair to me. I didn’t expect an update every year. But I would get lifetime access to the course so if ever an update was made, I would have it.
2. I’m a little worried, if I will already know things in the course – if the content is not new to me – what happens if this is the case?
CARLY: “I guarantee you will know some things in the course because it goes all the way from very basic getting started on Pinterest to being an expert in Pinterest. You will know things in the course. If all of the content is not new to you, you could let me know that and we will refund you within 30 days. I would be shocked if you’ve heard everything inside the course. We’ve sold this course 10,000 times and I have never ever had anybody say to me they’ve heard everything inside the course before. What I have had is plenty of bloggers who’ve been around for a really really long time email me and it’s a fantastic course. I didn’t know these things. So I’m not that worried that you’ll know. If you do already know it all, let us within 30 days and we’ll refund you.”
I overestimated that I would know everything. Even if I didn’t know Pinterest well, I figured it would be straightforward like SEO. Or that I could find this Pinterest information from others youtube channels. Wrong. What Carly teaches I’ve never heard of anywhere else before. It’s safe to say I didn’t need that refund. Lol she’s right- there will def. be new things you haven’t heard of.
3. Do you offer affiliates for the course? If I do end up purchasing- do you have more details on that.
CARLY: “Absolutely we love to have affiliates with the course. Some affiliates do very well with us. If you like the course we would love to have you grow the course.”
Their affiliate payout is generous at 35%. So if you decide to take the course and like it and want to become an affiliate, the course fee will quickly pay for itself.
What You Get in the Pinteresting Strategies 2.0 Bundle
✔ The “Pinteresting Strategies” base course ($97.00 value)
✔ Pinterest Title Traffic Hacks ($27.00 value). This was eye-opening for me. Buy separately HERE
✔ Pin Design Rules to Breaks ($27.00 value). Great if you haven’t got a clue about pin design aesthetics. Buy separately HERE
✔ Pinterest Niche Site Deep Dive ($37.00 value). Buy separately HERE
✔ “Do you get long clicks?” bonus video training
✔ BONUS: 15 Pinterest templates
For just $97, you’re getting the ENTIRE bundle (valued at $173+)
Is Carly’s Pinteresting Strategies 2.0 Course Worth it?
No doubt, this is one of the best Pinterest courses. It’s the crème de la crème of Pinterest courses.
It’s one of the most taken Pinterest courses. As well. And for a reason.
Many people who take other courses after it go on to take other Pinterest courses but then realize Carly’s course had it all. And in fact Carly’s course touched on everything.
Most other courses are outdated or knowledge dumps with no actionable steps. And don’t go into detail with actionable steps backed up by a RECENT case study. Also how likely are other courses updated? Some course creators get the money and then decide it’s no longer in their best interest to update.
Given the high demand and popularity of this course, I’m confident there’s a higher chance that more updates will be made (which you get access to)- shall the need arise.
So, is Pinteresting Strategies 2.0 worth it? YES!
It’s a big staple and the price will likely continue to go up in the future so you should definitely take the leap.
Check out Carly’s course here: Carly’s Pinteresting Strategies 2.0