Pin it to Win it: How to Become a Pinterest Influencer + [KILLER Strategies]

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Most folks tend to go for the big social media platforms like Instagram or YouTube. But if you’re looking for something more low-key, Pinterest is an underrated most people overlook  that still carries an insane 400 million users. Find out how to become a Pinterest influencer with my guide.

Pinterest is an awesome place for individuals and businesses to showcase their creativity and inspire others. If you have a passion for inspiring others and want to differentiate yourself from other influencers, then this blog post is for you.

How to Become a Pinterest Influencer

Understand Pinterest

Think of Pinterest as a platform driven by visuals. Unlike platforms that heavily rely on text Pinterest creates an experience by focusing on images and videos. It’s like google but based on images and videos (or pins). These awesome images and videos create an experience for Pinterest users.

So you wanted to search for hair inspo colors for brunettes, you would go on Pinterest and type something like: “brunette hair colors”. Then you would see pins with brunette hairstyles as well as the hair dye shade information. You can do this for so many niches in Pinterest: travel, diy, money, art.

What the Heck is a Pinterest Influencer?

A Pinterest influencer is simply someone who has gained credibility and built a following on the platform. They curate content within niches. Their recommendations have significant influence over their engaged audience.

Note: when you think of influencer you think of some hotshot models promoting outfits and beauty products, but literally anyone can become a Pinterest influencer. You’re grandma Bernadette can have an account sharing how to knit Pokémon sweaters. It’s that simple.

Benefits of Being a Pinterest Influencer

Being a Pinterest influencer is more than popularity. It opens doors to monetization opportunities while providing an insane platform to develop your brand. From collaborating with brands to establishing authority in your chosen niche the benefits are so diverse.

Tips for a Killer Pinterest Influencer Strategy

#1 Find Your Niche

Before starting your journey, a Pinterest influencer you’ve got to identify your niche. What are you truly passionate about? Which subjects do you want to focus on? By selecting a niche that aligns with your interests and expertise you’ll be able to create captivating content that resonates with your audience.

For instance if fashion is your passion you can create fashion board, pin to them, create your own pins that showcase your style, and share fashion tips and collaborate with industry brands.

#2 Join Pinterest Business Community

If you’re not already on there, make sure to check out the Pinterest Business Community. It’s super valuable and basically like a hub where businesses, entrepreneurs and marketers come together to exchange their tips and success stories.

This community provides a space for discussions, collaborations and staying up to date on the trends and features relevant to business users.

Note: if you’re not using a Pinterest business account make sure that you are. It’s very important. And it’s free.

#3 Create Dope Content

Crafting content is so important in establishing yourself as a Pinterest influencer. Take the time to pin related pins, create your own pins, and add your keywords in the description, title, and Pinterest board.

Your content should be helpful and stand out. Remember you are solving a problem for users. What is that pain point? Once you figure it out you can craft your pin around that- so that you’re really speaking to your audience.

#4 Follow Pinterest Influencer in Your Niche                

To start make sure to follow a handful of users. Make sure that they are in your niche so that the Pinterest algorithm knows what your account is about.

If you want to follow stuff that’s not in your niche, that’s fine- but do that on a personal account.

#5 Optimize your Profile

Making sure your profile is optimized is important to attract people and attention from brands.

Start by selecting an professional profile picture that represents your brand or personal style effectively.

It doesn’t have to be a picture of yourself (if you’d rather stay anonymous), it can even be a logo or avatar.

Write a bio that showcases your area of expertise as well as what sets you apart from others. Make sure to include major keywords relevant to your niche as well as what value you’re going to provide people.

#6 Use Keywords

Make sure to always include keywords in your profile name, bio and board descriptions. This practice helps Pinterest understand the nature of your content and increases your visibility in search results.

#7 Reshare pins from other accounts

Follow influencers in your niche and repin content from accounts that aligns with your niche. This is especially important in the beginning, when Pinterest doesn’t know what your account is about. When you follow accounts and repin other people’s pins Pinterest has a better idea of what type of content you offer.

#8 Join Tailwind Tribes

I use Tailwind Communities to share my pins and have other people reshare. This really helps in the beginning when your website is new and you’re stuck in the Google Sandbox. Because your website is new, Google will take time to trust your website and make it show up in Google.

Also, chances are you won’t have a lot of backlinks when starting so your content won’t rank too high in search engines.

Tailwind tribes are groups you can join related to your niche. You can add your pin for others to repin. You just need to reshare someone else’s pin on the platform.

This helps give your pin traction, and lets Pinterest know it’s valuable. It usually take 3- 8 months for a Pin to gain momentum on Pinterest (for new accounts). Assuming you’re resharing pins and creating content. Having people reshare your pins (in a community like Tailwind) speeds up that process.

The free version of Tailwind lets you join 5 communities and reshare 30 of your pins in Tailwind Tribes. Which is good enough. You can also design pins and use ghostwriter to come up with headlines and descriptions.

#9 Have a Top Secret Board

Sometimes you’ll see a post you like or a pin layout you thought was aesthetic. You can create a secret board and pin these to it. A secret board is a board only you can see and not visible to others.

It can be beneficial for saving ideas or brainstorming privately without sharing them publicly until they are fully developed.

#10 Stay Up to Date on Trends

#11 Use Pinterest Analytics

Lastly take advantage of Pinterest’s analytics tools which is available on Pinterest business accounts (this is another reason why it’s important to get one).

You’ll be able to gain insights, into your audience demographics and behaviors.

Make sure to pay attention to the performance of pins the levels of your boards and the keywords that are driving traffic to your profile

You’ll want to see which pins are performing the best, and then make more of them.

Ask yourself why are they performing well? Is it the: pin design, target audience (maybe you decided to target a specific audience), keywords.

#12 Collaborate with Brands

Once you reach a certain level and gain influence on Pinterest you may find that brands reach out to collaborate with you. Or in most cases you can reach out to brands directly.

Embrace these opportunities and partner with brands that align with your values and niche.

BUT please always make sure to prioritize authenticity and only promote products or services that you genuinely believe in. Don’t be like those sleezy sell outs- remember building trust with your audience should always be a priority.

#13 Don’t be Scared to Invest in Courses

Don’t hesitate to invest in courses if needed.  Pinteresting Strategies 2.0 really helped me grow my account and get more traffic (not sponsored- I paid for it myself). You can read my honest review HERE.


Becoming a Pinterest influencer takes time and dedication. Oh mama- don’t think this a quick fix. But the results are oh so worth it. Make sure to follow these steps and hopefully you can establish yourself as a trusted and influential presence on the platform. Alrighty Marty, you can do it.

Found this guide on How to Become a Pinterest Influencers helpful? Pin it now read it later.

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